Eleven popliteal vascular injuries repaired at surgery Kartal Training and Research Hospital, department in between 1990-1995 were investigated retrospectively. In seven patients vein and artery injuries were together, meanwhile, arterial injury was the single problem in 4 patients. Surgical interventions performed in these patients were; autogen sapheneous vein interpositon in 8 arterial and 1 venous injuries, limited resection (debridment) end to end anastomosis in 2 patients and primary repair in 1 patients. Early arterial repair and vena ligation was performed in two patients who suffered both arterial and venous injury. Compartment syndrome (entrapment) was seen in two other patients due to delay in treatment and fasciotomy was performed in all four patients. In our series morbiditiy was 36.6%, mortality 91% and amputation rate was 20%. In vascular injuries of popliteal region; if both artery and vein are injuried, surgeon must avoid vein ligations as much as possible and if it is ligated than faciotomy must be added to the surgical procedure.
Keywords: VENOUS INJURIES, ARTERIA POPLITEALIS INJURY1990-1995 yılları arasında Kartal Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Cerrahi Kliniğinde tedavi edilen 11 popliteal damar yaralanması retrospektif olarak incelendi. Yedi olguda arter ve ven yaralanması birlikte idi. Dört olguda izole arter yaralanması mevcuttu. Sekiz arter ve 1 ven yaralanması olgusunda otojen saf en ve ven interpozisyonu, 2 olguda rezeksiyon + uç uca anastomoz, bir olguda primer onarım uygulandı. Arter ve ven yaralanması birlikte olan 2 olguda erken sürede arter onarımı ve ven ligasyonu yapıldı. Kompartman sendromu gelişen bu olgularda ve iki gecikmiş olguda fasiyotomi uygulandı. Morbidite %36.6, mortalite %9.1, amputasyon oranı %20 bulundu. Popliteal bölgenin vasküler yaralanmalarında arter ve ven birlikte yaralanmışça mümkün olduğunca ven ligasyonundan kaçınılmalı, eğer ligasyon uygulanmışsa fasiotomi ilave edilmelidir.