During a 7-year period (1988-1995), 57 patients with penetrating wounds to the heart were treated at the Surgical Emergency Unit of Istanbul Medical Faculty. Seven patients (18.9%) had complex cardiac stab wounds, 5 had through and through stab wounds, 2 had two-entrance wounds. Twenty-three wounds were to the right ventricle, 16 wounds were to the left ventricle, and 11 wounds involved the atrial chambers. Fifteen patients required emergency thoracotomy, because of arriving pulseless in the emergency department. The other patients' were stable enough to allow immediate surgery. There were 18 in-hospital deaths (%31.5). Cardiopulmonary bypass was not used during primary surgical repair. The prehospital care and rapid transportation of victims of penetrating heart trauma influence patients survival markedly.
1988-1995 arası 7 yıllık dönemde 57 penetran kalp travmalı hasta İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Acil Cerrahi Ünitesinde tedavi edildi. 7(%18.9) hastada kompleks kalp yaralanması vardı; 5'inde tru and tru, 2 sinde iki ayrı girişli. Sağ ventrikülde 23, sol ventrikülde 16, atriumlarda ise toplam 11 yaralanma saptandı. 15 hasta kardivak are tablosunda geldikleri için acil torakotomi gerekti. Diğer hastalar ise daha rahat ameliyata alınmaya müsaade edecek kadar stabil idiler. Toplam 18(%31.5) hastamızı kaybettik. Kardiyopulmoner bypass hiç bir hastamızda kullanılmadı. Penetran kalp travmalı hastaların hastane öncesi resüsitasyon ve hızlı transportları mortaliteyi önemli ölçüde etkilemektedir.