We had conducted surgery on 22 patients with popliteal arterial injury. Popliteal injuries were related to blunt trauma in 12 patients (%54.54); in 9 patients (40.90%) the injury were related to the gun shut; in one case (4.54%) the injury was caused by a saw. In 14 cases (63.63%) saphenous vein interposition; in 6 cases (27.27%) resection and to end anastomosis; in two cases (9.09%) primary repair had been done. We had no mortality and the amputation rate was 13.63%.
Biz popliteal arter yaralanmalı 22 hastaya cerrahi girişim yaptık. Popliteal yaralanmaların 12 hastada (%54.54) künt travmaya, 9 hastada (%40.9) saçma ile yaralanmaya, 1 vakada (%4.54) hızar ile yaralanmaya bağlı idi. 14 vakaya (%63.63) safen ven interpozisyonu, 6 vakaya (%27.27) rezeksiyon ve uç uca anastomoz, 2 vakaya (%9.09) primer tamir yapıldı. Bizim mortalitemiz %0 ve amputasyon oranı %13.63 idi.