Şahin Budak1, Tanju Acar2, Şevki Karakayalı1, Hatice Paşaoğlu3, Şerefden Açıkgöz3, Bülent Demirbaş1, Raci Aydın11Dr. Muhittin Ülker Acil Yardım ve Travmatoloji Hastanesi Genel Cerrahi Kliniği, Balgat, Ankara, Turkey 2Dr. Muhittin Ülker Acil Yardım ve Travmatoloji Hastanesi Genel Cerrahi Kliniği, Balgat, Ankara, Turkey, [email protected] 3Dr. Muhittin Ülker Acil Yardım ve Travmatoloji Hastanesi Biyokimya Kliniği, Balgat, Ankara, Turkey 4Dr. Muhittin Ülker Acil Yardım ve Travmatoloji Hastanesi Biyokimya Kliniği, Balgat, Ankara, Turkey
Şahin Budak1, Tanju Acar2, Şevki Karakayalı1, Hatice Paşaoğlu3, Şerefden Açıkgöz3, Bülent Demirbaş1, Raci Aydın11Dr. Muhittin Ülker Acil Yardım ve Travmatoloji Hastanesi Genel Cerrahi Kliniği, Balgat, Ankara, Turkey 2Dr. Muhittin Ülker Acil Yardım ve Travmatoloji Hastanesi Genel Cerrahi Kliniği, Balgat, Ankara, Turkey, [email protected] 3Dr. Muhittin Ülker Acil Yardım ve Travmatoloji Hastanesi Biyokimya Kliniği, Balgat, Ankara, Turkey 4Dr. Muhittin Ülker Acil Yardım ve Travmatoloji Hastanesi Biyokimya Kliniği, Balgat, Ankara, Turkey
BACKGROUND: Our aim is to determine the relationship between free oxygen radicals and tissue destruction in Acute abdomen patients. METHODS: In this study, direct determination offree oxygen radicals is succeeded by measuring the Malonedealdehyde level (MDA), which is the last product of lipid peroxidation in the peritoneal fluid of acute abdomen patients. Forty patients are included in the study of whom thirty patients were the study group and ten were taken as the control group. MDA levels of both groups and the differences between daily MDA levels of each group are compared statistically by using one way Annova, student t test and student Newman Keulstest respectively. RESULTS: There was statistical significant difference between study and control group (p<0,05). Also there was significant difference between MDA levels of infected, non-infected and control groups (pCONCLUSION: In this study we proved the high MDA levels in the peritonealfluid of Infected Acute Abdomen patients. This result is meaningful/for the diagnose and following of these patients.