A 12 year old boy was admitted to emergency service with loss of consciousness, convulsions and anisocoria of the right eye along the history of upper respiratory tract infection for the last four days. Two months ago he was hospitalized at the intensive care unite due to motorcycle accident with frontal fracture and minimal frontal pneumocephalus. He was treated for ten days and discharged without any neurological
impairment. The last computerized tomography showed right frontal air of 5x5x7 cm. multiple airs in the ventricular system and in the upper central canal of the cervical region. The air was removed immediately through a right frontal burr-hole with a bedside procedure. The patient’s neurological status rapidly improved and ten days after computerized tomography showed clearly resolution of the air. The presented case is an interesting example of post traumatic pneumocephalus due to herniation and
widespread intracranial air. The situation can be explained with acute penetration of huge amount of air into the cranium through the frontobasal fracture and torn dura by strong Valsalva ‘s maneuver resulting from coughing and sneezing in the course of upper respiratory tract infection. We suggest close follow up, frequent control computerized tomography scans, preventive and effective treatment respiratory
tract infections along 3-6 months in similar cases.