Background: This study was peiformed to evaluate the results of massive lower gastrointestinal bleeding in the elderly patients.
Methods: The data of patients older than 60 years with massive lowergastrointestinal bleeding were retrospectively analyzed between January 1999 and March 2002.
r Results: There were 14 (52%) males and 13 (48%), females with mean age of70.2 years (range 60 to 88).Twenty patients were diagnosed with colonoscopy. Angiography was employed in six, sintigraphy in three and r- enteroclysis in two patients. Colonic diverticulosis was the leading etiologic factor (48%). Mean comorbidity and hospital stay were 1.59 and 6.7 days, respectively. Conservative treatment were performed in eighteen, band JCC, ligation in three, surgery in five and embolization in two patients. Mortality rate was 26%. Mortality was high it in patients who had a lower initial diastolic pressure and required more transfusions (p: 0.006 and p: 0.025, res pectively )
Conclusion: Massive lower gastrointestinal system bleeding in the elderly with comorbidities is associated with higher rate ofmortality. Surgery in these patients has high mortality rates. Endoscopic and conservative diagnosis and treatment methods should be the firts choice in the elderly.