The factors effecting mortality in complicated emergency cases who were transfe1fred to our centre after being operated.
Background: To find out the deficiencies related in education and experience of surgeons about the surgical treatment of emergency patients, and to investigate their effects on mortality.
Methods: The records of214 patients, who were transferred to our department after being operated with the diagnosis of abdominal trauma or acute abdomen in last 7 years, were reviewed.
Results: Total mortality rate was 34.1%.1t was seen that 14.5% in patients who underwent efficient surgical treatment and 42.1 % in patients whose treatment was inefficient.
Conclusion: In centre when intensive care unit does not exist, immediately transportation of emergency operated patients with high risk will decrease morbidity and mortality rates. Participation of the surgeons who deal with emergency surgery to the postgraduating courses adapting their experiences to the current improvements has also importance.