Hikmet Turan Süslü1, Erhan Çelikoğlu1, Ayçiçek Çeçen1, Mevlüde Delatioğlu1, Mustafa Bozbuğa1Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi 2. Nöroşirurji Kliniği, Kartal, İstanbul, Turkey
Hikmet Turan Süslü1, Erhan Çelikoğlu1, Ayçiçek Çeçen1, Mevlüde Delatioğlu1, Mustafa Bozbuğa1Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi 2. Nöroşirurji Kliniği, Kartal, İstanbul, Turkey
We report herein two patients in whom bullets migrated into adjacent lateral ventricles in the brain and moved freely as a consequence of gravity. A rewiew ofthe literature suggests that spontaneous migration ofintracerebral bullets is being eased by cerebral softness, specific gravity of the bullet compared with brain tissue. ln patients undergoing the surgical removal of intracerebral or intraventricular bullets, an x-ray is recommended after final positioning.
Keywords: Regulation ofprivate ambulance, emergency head maintanence, ambulance services