Anterior longitudinal ligament perforation and abdominal vascular injury is one of the most critical complications that may develop during lumbar disc surgery. The vascular injury-related symptoms that warns the surgeon may be late to appear; they usually turn out to be mortal. The hypotension during the operation, tachycardia and pulsatile unstoppable hemorrhage observed in the disc space are the major findings. Urgent detection of this complication and the repair of the vascular injury prevent the case from turning out to be fatal. In the present study, three patients who underwent surgical treatment of abdominal vascular injuries that had developed during lumbar disc surgery, were presented.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Anterior longitudinal ligament, lumbar disc surgery; vascular perforation.Lomber disk hernisinin cerrahi tedavisi sırasında anterior longitüdinal ligamanın perforasyonu ve abdominal vasküler yaralanma, oluşabilecek en ciddi komplikasyonlardan biridir. Cerrahı uyaran vasküler hasara ait belirtiler gecikebilir ve genellikle ölümcül seyreder. Ameliyat sırasında gelişen hipotansiyon, taşikardi ve disk mesafesinde görülen pulsatil, durdurulamayan kanama belirgin bulgulardır.
Bu yazıda lomber disk cerrahisi sırasında abdominal vasküler hasar gelişen ve vasküler cerrahiyle tedavi edilmiş üç olgu sunuldu.