Introduction: Burnout has been defined as a syndrome of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and 1 reduced personal accomplishment. The syndrome have been Iinked to high Ievels of absenteeism from work among professionals group.
Methods: We studied on 22 emergency service and 22 other health staff working at our Hospital. We investigated on health workers with burnout symptoms by the protocol was self-reported (using a poll). AIso we used, Maslach Burnout Inventory in order to obtain as valid data as possible to assess the level of burnout.
Result: 45.3% showed high Ievels of burnout on emotional exhaustion subscale, 32.~% on depersonalizaion subscale and 28.1% on personal accomplıshment. Seven (31.82%) have been determmed to be under serıous. stress based on the investigation in emergency services; where as 2 (9.09%) in other health services workers as well (t=1.903; p< 0.05 ).
Conclusion: Burnout symptoms were more Iikely to occur in the emergency personals than the other health service workers. Sharing experiences with family and friends and with other health staff who understand what health staffs do best, prevents burnout syndrome.