It is difficult to decide replantation or revascularization in partial or total amputations proximal to the wrist. Important point is the expected functional result and/ or protection of sensibility.
Crush type partial or total amputations have poor prognosis. In addition to the vascular injury there are also broad cutaneous and muscular injury which have a potential risk for necrosis and infection. And this may threat the patient's life.
In this case report, as two major nerves seemed intact, arterial reconstruction by a vein graft 22 cm. long and protection of important structures such as vein graft, nerves and bone which were exposed after debridement was perforrmed by pedicled latissimus dorsi muscle flap in an above-elbow partial amputation caused by crush injury, and succesjul result was obtained.
Key Words: Major limb amputation, revascularization, vein graft, pedicled muscle flap.