1. | Effects of Hyalobarrier gel and Seprafilm in preventing peritendinous adhesions following crush-type injury in a rat model Emel Yurdakul Sıkar, Hasan Ediz Sıkar, Hüsamettin Top, Ahmet Cemal Aygıt PMID: 30892673 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.54007 Pages 93 - 98
2. | The therapeutic effects of thalidomide and etanercept on septic rats exposed to lipopolysaccharide Nevin İlhan, Solmaz Susam, Hüseyin Fatih Gül, Necip İlhan PMID: 30892678 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.68473 Pages 99 - 104
3. | Morphometric analysis of significant vascular structures in posterior disc surgery with computed tomography angiography Emre Muhittin Altunrende, Elif Evrim Ekin PMID: 30892671 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.49274 Pages 105 - 110
4. | The effects of ketamine and lidocaine on free radical production after tourniquet-induced ischemia-reperfusion injury in adults Kevser Peker, Selmin Ökesli, Aysel Kıyıcı, Cemile Deyişli PMID: 30892676 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.63439 Pages 111 - 117
5. | Neuroendocrine tumor of the appendix: Twelve years of results from a single institution Seracettin Eğin, Gülçin Kamalı, Sedat Kamalı, Berk Gökçek, Metin Yeşiltaş, Semih Hot, Dursun Özgür Karakaş PMID: 30892667 doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2019.38283 Pages 118 - 122
6. | Contribution of the appendix sphericity index in predicting perforated acute appendicitis Mehmet Şirik, İbrahim İnan PMID: 30892666 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.29266 Pages 123 - 128
7. | Complicated appendicitis: Risk factors and outcomes of laparoscopic appendectomy – Polish laparoscopic appendectomy results from a multicenter, large-cohort study Michal Pedziwiatr, Anna Lasek, Michal Wysocki, Judene Mavrikis, Piotr Mysliwiec, Maciej Bobowicz, Wojciech Karcz, Maciej Michalik, Wojciech Makarewicz, Piotr Major, Mateusz Rubinkiewicz, Tomasz Stefura, Jakub Kenig, Malgorzata Polanska-Plachta, Pol-LA Polish Laparoscopic Appendectomy PMID: 30892680 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.80103 Pages 129 - 136
8. | Role of computed tomography tractography in evaluation of back/flank stab wounds Talha Sarigoz, Yusuf Sevim, Inanc Samil Sarici, Omer Topuz, Tamer Ertan PMID: 30892682 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.88107 Pages 137 - 141
9. | Surgical treatment of post-transplant encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis: A single-center experience Adem Bayraktar, Ali Fuat Kaan Gök, Selman Emiroğlu, Hüseyin Bakkaloğlu PMID: 30892663 doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2019.04838 Pages 142 - 146
10. | Factors associated with mortality in acute subdural hematoma: Is decompressive craniectomy effective? İlhan Yılmaz, Devrimsel Harika Ertem, Mustafa Kılıç, Kadir Altaş, Muyassar Mirhasilova, Burak Ozdemir, Osman Tanriverdi, Adem Yilmaz PMID: 30892670 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.48079 Pages 147 - 153
11. | Management of Acute Cholecystitis During Pregnancy: A Single Center Experience Bora Barut, Fatih Gönültaş, Ali Fuat Kaan Gök, Tevfik Tolga Şahin PMID: 30892681 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.82357 Pages 154 - 158
12. | Management of foreign body ingestion and food impaction in adults: A cross-sectional study İsmail Okan, Ahmet Akbaş, Mustafa Küpeli, Abdullah Özgür Yeniova, Mehmet Esen, Zeki Özsoy, Mehmet Fatih Daşıran, Emin Daldal PMID: 30892677 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.67240 Pages 159 - 166
13. | Cranial and spinal injuries in motorcycle accidents: A hospital-based study Çağatay Özdöl, Tolga Gediz, Kamran Aghayev PMID: 30892669 doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2019.46116 Pages 167 - 171
14. | Penetrating keratoplasty in patients with traumatic corneal scarring Dilay Özek, Özlem Evren Kemer, Mehmet Önen, Emine Esra Karaca PMID: 30892664 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2017.18949 Pages 172 - 176
15. | Role of increased immature granulocyte percentage in the early prediction of acute necrotizing pancreatitis Yılmaz Ünal, Aziz Mutlu Barlas PMID: 30892679 doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2019.70679 Pages 177 - 182
16. | Validity of bone scans to detect missed injury in patients with major trauma Maru Kim, Tae Hwa Hong, Hang Joo Cho PMID: 30892674 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.55068 Pages 183 - 187
17. | Comparison of subacute and delayed free flap reconstruction in the treatment of open lower extremity fractures Hakan Arslan, Anıl Demiröz PMID: 30892665 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.28302 Pages 188 - 192
18. | Is IL-8 level an indicator of clinical and radiological status of traumatic brain injury? Ömer Polat, Özhan Merzuk Uçkun, Cengiz Tuncer, Ahmet Deniz Belen PMID: 30892675 doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2019.59845 Pages 193 - 197
19. | Lightning-strike-induced acute lung injury: a case report Melahat Uzel Şener, Ali Demir, Alp Şener PMID: 30892668 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.41861 Pages 198 - 201
20. | A successful case of surgical intervention for traumatic globe luxation in a child: From light perception to full visual acuity Alireza Zandi, Mohsen Pourazizi, Pouriya Radmanesh, Mohammad-hasan Alemzadeh-ansari PMID: 30892672 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.50240 Pages 202 - 204