p-ISSN: 1306-696x | e-ISSN: 1307-7945
Volume : 29 Issue : 9 Year : 2025

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Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery - Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg: 29 (9)
Volume: 29  Issue: 9 - 2023
1. Front Matters

Pages I - VIII

2. Research of Importance of Thiol, CRP and Lactate in Diagnosing Mesenteric Ischemia At An Early Stage: Animal Model
Fırat Canlıkarakaya, Bülent Cavit Yüksel, Sadettin Er, Yasir Keçelioğlu, Salim Neselioglu
PMID: 37681723  PMCID: PMC10560810  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2023.45234  Pages 949 - 955
Introduction and Purpose: Acute mesenteric ischemia is especially seen in the elderly population. It has an increasing incidence in today's world where the average life expectancy is increasing. Early diagnosis is the most important factor reducing morbidity and mortality, and there is still no marker with high sensitivity and specificity for early diagnosis.In this study, we aimed to find a more sensitive and specific serum marker in the early diagnosis of mesenteric ischemia by comparing thiol with the currently used markers C-reactive protein and lactate.
Materials and Methods: In our study, 32 Wistar Albino male rats, 10-12 weeks old, weighing 250-300 g, were used. 32 rats were divided into 4 groups, one of which was the control group. The superior mesenteric artery of the other 3 groups was ligated. Blood samples were taken after 2 hours from the first group, 4 hours from the second group, and 6 hours from the third group. Then the rats were sacrificed. Mesenteric ischemia and its level were observed in sacrificed subjects. The samples were separated under appropriate conditions and analyzed biochemically.
Results: As the ischemia time increased, CRP increased and this increase was found to be statistically insignificant (p>0.05). The changes in lactate were found to be statistically significant (p<0.05). The difference between the changes of total and native thiol values was found to be statistically significant (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Although CRP is a non-specific parameter in the early diagnosis of acute mesenteric ischemia, lactate maintains its importance as seen in our study. Differences in total thiol and native thiol changes were statistically significant. The fact that this significant difference is observed at the 4th hour values, reveals the importance of these parameters in early diagnosis. Thanks to the economic and fast results of thiol parameters, it is thought that new studies to be added to the literature can lead to the diagnosis of mesenteric ischemia.
Keywords: Mesenteric ischemia, thiol, lactate, early diagnosis

3. The comparison of the suture materials on intestinal anastomotic healing: an experimental study
Osman Uzunlu, Emrah Aydın, Erdem Çomut, Esin Avcı, Hande Şenol
PMID: 37681730  PMCID: PMC10560814  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2023.86579  Pages 956 - 962
BACKGROUND: This experimental comparative study was to evaluate the local effects of three different suture materials on in-testinal anastomosis healing.
METHODS: Ethical approval was obtained from the University of Ethical Committee (E-60758568-020-176720). A prospective, experimental comparative analysis was conducted on 24 rats. They were divided into three equal groups; Group 1 underwent colonic anastomosis with Vicryl suture material, Group 2 underwent colonic anastomosis with polypropylene suture; and Group 3 underwent colonic anastomosis with polydioxanone (PDS) suture. The second operation underwent the 7th post-operative day. Adhesion score, anastomotic leakage, anastomotic bursting pressure, hydroxyproline levels, and histopathologic examination were evaluated.
RESULTS: All animals survived, and no leakage, intestinal obstruction, or wound infection was observed during the experiment. The adhesion score was evaluated according to the Diamond classification and same in all groups. Median anastomotic bursting pressure was 125.75 mmHg (10–241) in the Vicryl group, 159.25 mmHg (113–190) in the polypropylene group, and 154.50 mmHg (20–212) in the PDS group. Hydroxyproline tissue concentrations were in the Vicryl group 1699.92±220.8 ng/mg (range: 1509.81–2186.47), in the polypropylene group 1126.24±607.12 ng/mg (range: 53.22–1815.63), and 1547.86±335.2 ng/mg (range: 973.66–1973.2) in PDS group. There was no difference among groups regarding the inflammatory response evaluated by histopathology. There was no statistical significance in all variables evaluated.
CONCLUSION: This experimental study demonstrates that suture materials did not worsen tissue healing during intestinal anastomosis. Absorbable, slowly-absorbable, and non-absorbable suture materials could be used safely in every situation.

4. Demonstration of ameliorating effect of papaverine in sepsis-induced acute lung injury on rat model through radiology and histology
Bahattin Özkul, İbrahim Halil Sever, Gürkan Yiğittürk, Çağrı Serdar Elgörmüş, Seray Gizem Gür, Oytun Erbaş
PMID: 37681716  PMCID: PMC10560817  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2023.73580  Pages 963 - 971
BACKGROUND: Our target was to show the role of high mobility group box-1/receptor for (HMGB1/RAGE) interaction in feces intraperitoneal injection procedure (FIP)-induced acute lung injury (ALI) pathophysiology, to investigate the effect of papaverine on RAGE associated NF-κB pathway by determining the level of soluble RAGE (sRAGE) and HMGB1, and to support this hypothesis by evaluating inflammatory biochemical, oxidative stress markers, Hounsfield unit (HU) value in computed tomography (CT), and histo-pathological results.
METHODS: FIP was performed on 37 Wistar rats for creating a sepsis-induced ALI model. The animals were assigned into four groups as follows: Normal control (no treatment), placebo (FIP and saline), and receiving 20 mg/kg and 40 mg/kg per day papaverine. Twenty h after FIP, CT examination was performed for all animals, and HU value of the lung parenchyma was measured. The plasma levels of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, HMGB1, sRAGE, C-reactive protein (CRP) and malondialdehyde (MDA), and lactic acid (LA) were determined and PaO2 and PaCO2 were measured from arterial blood sample. Lung damage was assessed by histopathological.
RESULTS: TNF-, IL-6, CRP, HMGB1, MDA, LA levels, histopathologic scores, and HU values of CT were significantly increased and sRAGE levels were decreased in the saline-treated group against normal group (all P<0.05). Papaverine significantly reversed all results regardless of the dose (all P<0.05) and demonstrated inhibition of HMGB1/RAGE interaction through increasing sRAGE levels and suppresses the pro-inflammatory cytokines.
CONCLUSION: We concluded that papaverine has ameliorating effects in rat model of ALI.

5. Incidental presentation of appendix neuroendocrine tumor: Long-term results from a single institution
Marlen Süleyman, Abdullah Senlikci, Abdullah Durhan, Koray Kosmaz
PMID: 37681719  PMCID: PMC10560821  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2023.78038  Pages 972 - 977
BACKGROUND: Appendix neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) are the most common tumors of the appendix and are most often diagnosed incidentally. The aim of this study was to retrospectively evaluate appendix NETs diagnosed incidentally in our clinic.
METHODS: Of 8304 patients who underwent appendectomy with the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in Ankara Training and Re-search Hospital, General Surgery Clinic between January 2009 and January 2022, 33 had histopathology results evaluated as appendix NET, and a retrospective analysis was made of these cases. The patients were evaluated in terms of age, gender, tumor infiltration, tumor location, tumor size, surgical margin, tumor World Health Organization grade, surgery performed, lymph node metastasis, Ki67 index, number of mitosis, follow-up time, and survival.
RESULTS: The rate of appendix NET was found to be 0.4%. The 33 cases comprised 15 (45.5%) males and 18 (54.5%) females with a mean age of 35.48 years (range: 16–84 years). Positive surgical margin was determined in 1 (3.03%) case, in which right hemicolectomy was performed. All other cases were followed up after appendectomy. The median follow-up was 89 (7–145) months. No recurrence was observed in any case. Mortality developed during follow-up in one case due to non-tumoral causes.
CONCLUSION: Appendix NETs are generally asymptomatic and appear incidentally after appendectomy due to acute appendicitis. Appendix NETs diagnosed incidentally are generally below 2 cm and have a good prognosis.

6. Percutaneous cholecystostomy in the management of acute cholecystitis-comparative analysis of before and after the COVID 19 pandemic
Fatih Kılınç, Çağlayan Çakır, Ömer Yıldız, Alpen Yahya Gümüşoğlu, Abdülcelil Gezmiş, Fidan Aygün
PMID: 37681720  PMCID: PMC10560820  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2023.22901  Pages 978 - 986
BACKGROUND: Percutaneous cholecystostomy (PC) is a minimally invasive temporary treatment for patients with acute cholecys-titis (AC) who are at high risk for surgery. The aim of this study was to compare the characteristics of patients with AC treated with PC before and during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID 19) pandemic.
METHODS: The data of patients who underwent PC with the diagnosis of AC between 2019 and 2021 were analyzed by scanning the hospital registry system. During the COVID 19 pandemic period of March 11, 2020, to March 11, 2021, 110 patients with AC were treated with PC. In the pre-pandemic period of March 2019 to March 2020, 99 patients who underwent PC were added to the study as a control group. The data of the 209 patients included in the study were recorded, and descriptive statistical analysis was performed. The patient characteristics of the two groups were compared.
RESULTS: Evaluation was made of 209 patients who were diagnosed with AC between March 2019 and March 2021 and could not be operated on due to the high risk of surgery. The average age of the patients was 63.84 years (21–97) in the pandemic period and 68.43 years (31–100) in the pre-pandemic period. The rate of female patients was 45.5% in the pandemic group and 44.5% in the pre-pandemic group. The mean procedure-discharge time was 3.85 days in the pandemic period and 3.34 days pre-pandemic. The American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status classification (PS) was determined to be 1 or 2 in 56.4% of the pandemic group patients and 3 or 4 in 78.8% of the pre-pandemic group. There was no comorbidity accompanying AC in 45 (40.9%) patients in the pandemic period, and at least one comorbid condition accompanying AC was detected in 77 (77.8%) patients in the pre-pandemic period. The severity grading for AC was 2 (moderate) in 97.3% of the patients in the pandemic group and 3 (severe) in 26.3% of the patients in the pre-pandemic group. Of the 110 patients in the pandemic period, 14 were Covid 19 positive or suspected. PC-related mortality was not observed in either group.
CONCLUSION: PC is an effective and safe treatment method that reduced the operating room and intensive care burden during the exacerbation of the COVID 19 pandemic. Therefore, it seems like a logical option to expand the PC indications at times when the number of COVID 19 patients increases.

7. Investigation of the clinical efficacy of thiol–disulfide homeostasis, delta neutrophil index, and ischemia-modified albumin in cases of incarcerated and strangulated hernia
Mehmet Arslan, Gökhan Akkurt, Burcu Akkurt, Ozgur Akgul, Ozcan Erel
PMID: 37681722  PMCID: PMC10560808  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2023.48313  Pages 987 - 995
BACKGROUND: The treatment of patients presenting with the diagnosis of incarcerated and/or strangulated inguinal hernia is mostly surgery. If strangulation and necrosis are present, the need for laparotomy arises, which may increase the risk of morbidity. Currently, it is not possible to clearly determine whether there is bowel ischemia and necrosis before surgery. In this study, we aimed to investigate the clinical efficacy of the thiol–disulfide homeostasis, delta neutrophil index (DNI), and ischemia-modified albumin (IMA) parameters in incarcerated and strangulated hernia cases.
METHODS: Patients that presented to the general surgery outpatient clinic due to inguinal hernia or to the emergency department of the hospital with a preliminary diagnosis of incarcerated and/or strangulated hernia in April 2021-November 2021 were included in the study. The patients were divided into the following four groups: patients that underwent elective repair for inguinal hernia (Group 1), those who were followed up without surgery due to incarcerated hernia (Group 2), those who underwent hernia repair without bowel resection due to incarceration (Group 3), and those who underwent bowel resection due to strangulation (Group 4). Group 1 was defined as the control group, while Groups 2, 3, and Group 4 were evaluated as the incarcerated/strangulated hernia group. The demographic data of the patients, length of hospital stay, body mass index, comorbidities, medical history and physical examina-tion findings, radiological examinations, treatments applied, white blood cell (WBC) count, lactate, and DNI, thiol–disulfide and IMA parameters were evaluated.
RESULTS: The WBC count, disulfide/native thiol, disulfide/total thiol, and IMA values were significantly higher in the incarcerated/strangulated hernia group than in the control group, while the native thiol and total thiol values were higher in the latter than in the former (P<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of lactate (P>0.05), but the mean WBC count was higher in Group 4 compared to Group 1, and the mean DNI was significantly higher among the patients who underwent bowel resection and anastomosis than in those that were followed up and discharged (P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: We consider that the preoperative evaluation of the thiol–disulfide homeostasis, IMA, and DNI parameters in incarcerated/strangulated hernia cases can be an effective and easily applicable method in predicting difficulties that may be encountered intraoperatively and the surgical procedure to be applied to the patient.

8. In-hospital outcomes of patients undergoing emergent surgical treatment in patients with infective endocarditis
Ali Kemal Kalkan, Serkan Kahraman, Gökhan Demirci, Hicaz Zencirkiran Agus, Ender Oner, Kübra Kalkan, Mustafa Yildiz
PMID: 37681726  PMCID: PMC10560818  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2023.23162  Pages 996 - 1003
BACKGROUND: Infective endocarditis is a serious heart disease that may cause several different clinical conditions and can need urgent surgical therapy. In our study, we aimed to evaluate the patients with infective endocarditis undergoing acute surgical treatment results in-hospital mortality.
METHODS: A total of 107 consecutive patients with infective endocarditis undergoing acute surgical therapy were included in our retrospective study. The patients were divided into two groups according to the presence of in-hospital mortality as Group 1 without in-hospital mortality (n=89) and Group 2 with in-hospital mortality (n=18). The demographic, laboratory, and clinical parameters were evaluated in both groups.
RESULTS: The mean age (50±14; 64±14, P<0.001) and the incidence of chronic renal failure (9 [10.1%]; 8 [44.4%], P=0.001) were higher in Group 2 while the ejection fraction was lower in Group 2 (50.0±9.3; 44.6±12.9, P=0.039). The incidence of positive blood culture was also higher in Group 2 (41 [46.1]; 14 [77.8], P=0.014). Aortic bioprosthesis operation (2 [2.2]; 6 [33.3], P<0.001) and mitral bioprosthesis operation (4 [4.5]; 5 [27.8], P=0.008) were higher in Group 2 as well as the incidence of septic shock was also higher in Group 2 (1 [1.1]; 3 [16.7], P=0.015). In addition, in multivariate logistic regression analyses, advanced age (odds ratio [OR]: 1.068, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.009–1.130, P: 0.024) and positive blood culture (OR: 4.436, 95% CI: 1.044–18.848, P: 0.044) were found to be independent predictors of in-hospital mortality.
CONCLUSION: Advanced age, lower ejection fraction, high creatinine, positive blood culture, high systolic pulmonary artery pressure, and septic shock predicted in-hospital death in patients who have undergone emergent or urgent surgery due to infective endocarditis.

9. Is a guideline required to predict the ICU need of patients over 65 years of age during the pre- operative period? A comparison of the ASA, lung ultrasound score, Charlson age-added comorbidity index, surgical outcome risk tool indexes
Ayşe Vahapoğlu, Zuhal Çavuş, Fatma Korkan, Oğuz Özakin, Ülkü Aygen Türkmen
PMID: 37681718  PMCID: PMC10560819  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2023.43082  Pages 1004 - 1012
BACKGROUND: All pre-operative, intra-operative, and post-operative variables of the patients at 65 years of age who had a surgi-cal procedure determine the necessity of post-operative intensive care unit (ICU) monitoring. The indication for post-operative ICU is detected through ideal scoring systems related to the surgery and anesthesia that will be performed easily and fast would prevent the development of morbidity and mortality in high-risk patients. In the present study, we compared the efficacy of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score, lung ultrasound score (LUSS), Charlson age-added comorbidity index (CACI), and surgical outcome risk tool (SORT) score of the indication for ICU. The hypothesis of our study is to show that real visual LUSS is superior to the screening test SORT, CACI, and the other score, ASA, for ICU indication determination.
METHODS: The study enrolled 101 patients over 65 years of age who will have surgical procedures under elective conditions. De-mographic features, clinical parameters, ICU indications, ASA, LUSS, CACI, and SORTs of the patients were calculated prospectively and recorded. The effects of patients' ASA, LUSS, CACI, and SORT on determining the need for postoperative ICU admission were examined.
RESULTS: The age of patients who needed post-operative ICU admission was significantly higher than those who did not need post-operative ICU admission (P<0.001). The groups did not show differences in terms of gender, body mass index, smoking, and type of anesthesia (P>0.05). ASA, LUSS, CACI, and SORT were significantly higher for patients who needed post-operative ICU admission (P<0.001). The proportion of patients who needed post-operative ICU admission was higher for patients with post-operative ICU indication (P<0.001). The number of consultations was significantly higher for patients who needed post-operative ICU admission (P<0.001). SORT was found to be the highest accuracy for predicting the need for post-operative ICU admission.
CONCLUSION: It was detected that ASA, LUSS, CACI, and SORT are effective for the determination of the ICU indication in the pre-operative evaluation process of patients over the age of 65 who had elective surgery. However, the efficiency of SORT was found to be superior to the others.

10. Elevated HbA1c level associated with disease severity and surgical extension in diabetic foot patients
Simay Akyüz, Adile Begüm Bahçecioğlu Mutlu, H. Erhan Guven, Ali Murat Başak, Kerim Bora Yilmaz
PMID: 37681727  PMCID: PMC10560815  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2023.08939  Pages 1013 - 1018
BACKGROUND: Diabetic foot is a complex syndrome that is associated with other diabetic complications, such as peripheral arte-rial disease and peripheral neuropathy. Optimization of plasma glucose and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) is one of the main principles of standard care and treatment approaches in individuals with diabetes mellitus (DM). In this study, the relationship of HbA1c level at the time of diagnosis was evaluated with diabetic foot disease severity score and surgical extension in patients with Type 2 DM.
METHODS: This study included 301 consecutive patients who were diagnosed with diabetic foot in the general surgery diabetic foot clinic and were hospitalized for surgery. The relationships between the HbA1c levels of the patients with the Wagner and PEDIS (Perfusion, Extent, Dept, Infection, Sensation) classification system grades, and the surgical procedures performed were analyzed and the treatment outcomes were evaluated.
RESULTS: It was determined that there was a 90% statistically significant relationship between HbA1c values of ≥10.1% and the de-velopment of Wagner Grade 4 diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) (P=0.037). A strong statistically significant relationship at the rate of 85% was determined between HbA1c values of ≥10.1% and the development of PEDIS Grade 3 ulcers. As the HbA1c values increased, so there was determined to be a statistically significant relationship with the development of PEDIS Grade 3 ulcer (P=0.003). In the comparison of the HbA1c values according to the type of surgery performed, a weak relationship was determined at the rate of 26%, and it was determined that as the HbA1c values increased, so there could be an increase in the amputation level.
CONCLUSION: The results of this study showed that as HbA1c values at diagnosis increased in patients with diabetic foot; Wagner/PEDIS grades, disease severity, surgical extension, amputation level, and tissue loss increased. To reduce the severity of diabetic foot disease and prevent amputation, compliance with diabetic treatment and glycemic control should be increased.

11. Investigation of glucose, serum insulin levels, and insulin resistance in patients with major burn: a retrospective cross-sectional study
Murat Ali Çınar, Ahmet Erkılıc, Kezban Bayramlar, Ali Güneş, Yavuz Yakut
PMID: 37681721  PMCID: PMC10560816  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2023.76062  Pages 1019 - 1025
BACKGROUND: Many studies have reported that insulin resistance (IR) is present and persistent in patients with major burns; however, the evidence remains insufficient. This study was planned to investigate insulin levels and IR in the early post-traumatic period in patients with major burns and to determine the prevalence of IR after burn injury.
METHODS: This study included 68 patients. These patients were followed up once a week for 4 weeks after hospitalization. In the follow-up examinations, demographic and burn injury characteristics; HbA1c, procalcitonin serum glucose, and insulin levels; and IR were evaluated.
RESULTS: IR was seen in some weeks only in 25 of the 68 patients included in the study. Among all patients, IR was determined in only 11 (16.17%) patients from the 1st day of hospitalization until discharge. Patients with and without IR were evaluated as 2 groups, and their biochemical parameters were compared, and no significant difference was found between glucose and procalcitonin levels (P>0.05). Glucose levels were >100 mg/dL in the first few weeks in all patients who were followed up; however, they returned to the normal range in the following weeks.
CONCLUSION: In patients with IR, there was insufficient evidence to conclude that the condition persists. We believe that the HOMA-IR value is not directly related to burn injuries and that other additional pathologies may cause it during treatment.

12. Is diagnostic laparoscopy necessary in the management of left thoracoabdominal stab wounds?
Hasan Okmen, Kivilcim Ulusan, Acar Aren
PMID: 37681725  PMCID: PMC10560811  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2023.33423  Pages 1026 - 1031
BACKGROUND: The diagnosis of a diaphragmatic rupture and the identification of patients for surgical repair is challenging despite current diagnostic algorithms and imaging technologies. Unless treated on time, acute traumatic diaphragmatic injury due to stab wounds has a high mortality and morbidity rate, with an increasing trend in the presence of organ herniation. In this study, we aimed to investigate the efficacy of diagnostic laparoscopy in patients with an anterior thoracoabdominal stab wound and to compare the follow-up outcomes of cases.
METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed our institutional database of patients who were admitted with stab wounds between Oc-tober 2012 and 2022. Patients who underwent diagnostic laparoscopy were divided into two groups depending on the presence of a diaphragmatic injury. We analyzed demographics, the success of computed tomography (CT) imaging in the diagnosis, the presence of hemomediastinum, pneumomediastinum, tube thoracostomy application, associated organ injury, type of surgery, duration of surgery, complications, and the length of stay between the groups.
RESULTS: Of the 39 patients with penetrating left thoracoabdominal injury underwent diagnostic laparoscopy, CT had a diagnostic sensitivity of 63.16% (95% Confidence interval [CI] 38.36–83.71%), and a specificity of 100% (95% CI 82.35–100.00%). We could not find a statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of studied variables, while operation time was significantly higher in the diaphragmatic injury group (P<0.01). Fourteen patients had accompanied visceral injuries.
CONCLUSION: Diagnostic laparoscopy is still the gold standard particularly in the ER setting, particularly in the absence of an experienced radiologist for 24 h and when the close monitoring of the patient by the same team cannot be provided.

13. Selection for antimicrobial prophylaxis in emergency and elective transurethral procedures: Susceptibility pattern in Türkiye
Tanju Keten, Melih Balci, Ünsal Eroğlu, Ali Yasin Özercan, Şeref Coşer, Serdar Başboğa, Koray Tatlıcı, Anil Erkan, Çağdaş Şenel, Remzi Salar, Özer Güzel, Yılmaz Aslan, Altug Tuncel, Ali Atan
PMID: 37681729  PMCID: PMC10560822  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2023.99663  Pages 1032 - 1038
BACKGROUND: In this study, we aimed to determine the most appropriate antimicrobial agents for prophylactic antibiotic use during emergency and elective transurethral procedures.
METHODS: The study was conducted in five hospitals located in five different geographical regions of Türkiye. The microorganism cultured in urine before emergency and elective transurethral procedures in these centers between March 2021 and March 2022 were reviewed retrospectively from the hospital records. Demographic data (age and gender) of the patients, comorbid disorders, previous urological procedures, anomalies of the urogenital tract, use of urethral catheters (permanent or clean intermittent catheterization), cultured microorganisms, and antibiotic susceptibilities were noted. The patients hospitalized or had antibiotics for any reason in the previous 1 month were excluded from the study.
RESULTS: A total of 1450 patients, 742 men (51.2%) and 708 women (48.8%), were included in the study. The mean age of the patients was 55.3±19.36 (1–98) years. Diabetes mellitus was evident in 271 (18.7%) patients. The five most common microorgan-isms cultured in urine, in order of frequency, were: ESBL (-) Escherichia coli in 418 (28.8%), ESBL (+) E. coli in 309 (21.3%), Klebsiella pneumonia in 183 (12.6%), Enterococcus faecalis in 124 (8.6%), and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in 89 (6.1%). The susceptibility rates to antimicrobial agents recommended for prophylaxis by the American Urology Association and the European Association of Urology guidelines were found as follows: cefepime 87.1%, ampicillin+sulbactam 84%, TMP-SMX 71.6%, amoxicillin+clavulanate 63.5%, cefoxitin 59%, ceftazidime 58.6%, cefuroxime 43.5%, ceftriaxone 43%, and cefixime 38.4%.
CONCLUSION: We found that currently recommended antimicrobials provide poor coverage for the most common pathogens isolated. Urologists should consider patient-based antibiotic prophylaxis in endoscopic urethral procedures, follow appropriate proto-cols, and consider local antibiotic resistance.

14. Trauma in pregnancy: An analysis of the adverse perinatal outcomes and the injury severity score
Simten Genc, Mirac Ozalp, Emine Aydın, Fatih Sahin, Neslihan Bademler, Murat İbrahim Toplu, Erhan Akturk, Veli Mihmanli
PMID: 37681724  PMCID: PMC10560812  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2023.21533  Pages 1039 - 1050
BACKGROUND: Trauma during pregnancy is one of the most important causes of non-obstetric maternal and fetal mortality and morbidity. The aim of our study is to evaluate the adverse perinatal outcomes that may occur according to the type and severity of the trauma.
METHODS: In this retrospective cohort study, pregnant traumatized women aged 18–50 years and referred for consultation to the Prof. Dr. Cemil Tascıoglu City Hospital’s emergency services of the departments of gynecology and obstetrics, between January 1, 2017, and December 31, 2022, were evaluated. Demographic characteristics, trauma findings, Injury Severity Scoring (ISS), and obstet-ric outcomes were recorded.
RESULTS: A total of 1825 trauma patients, including 900 pregnants were referred to our emergency gynecology clinic for consulta-tion. One hundred and fifty three pregnant patients, whose birth information we reached, were selected as the study group. The mean age of the patients was 25.56±5.99 years and the mean gestational week at the time of trauma was 21.59±9.89 weeks, the patients had fallen (67.97%), had been exposed to violence (30.07%), and had a traffic accient (1.96%). The patient’s delivery and hospitalization status on the day of trauma, fracture and ISS ≥9 were statistically significantly at a higher rate in the 3rd trimester. Rates of hospitaliza-tion and 3rd trimester traumas were found to be significantly higher in the ISS ≥9 group. (P=0.0001, P=0.028, respectively).
CONCLUSION: Compared to the general population, the rates of preterm premature rupture of membranes-premature rupture of membranes, fetal death, fetal distress, cesarean delivery, placental abruption, and preterm delivery increased in traumatized pregnant women. Patients with low ISS scores should also be followed closely during pregnancy in terms of perinatal complications, as well as the severe trauma group.

15. Risk factors for mortality and morbidity in Syrian refugee children with penetrating abdominal firearm injuries: an 1-year experience
Mustafa Tuşat, İsmail Özmen, Mehmet Semih Demirtaş, Can Ateş, Ayse Betül Öztürk, Nazım Abdulkadir Kankılıç, Dilek Başar
PMID: 37681717  PMCID: PMC10560809  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2023.70658  Pages 1051 - 1060
BACKGROUND: Despite improvements in technology and surgical techniques, abdominal injuries caused by firearms in children are traumatic with high complication rates and mortality. In this study, factors affecting mortality and complications in penetrating abdominal firearm injuries caused by high-velocity bullets and shrapnel in children as a result of the civil war in Syria were evaluated.
METHODS: This study was conducted as a case series with 53 patients admitted to Kilis State Hospital with penetrating abdominal firearm injuries between January 2016 and February 2017. Patients aged between 6 months and 17 years who suffered penetrating abdominal firearm injuries (PAFI) as a result of the civil war in Syria in the state hospital in Kilis Türkiye border province with Syria and were transferred to our hospital and operated on were included in the evaluation. Patients’ sociodemographic information, time to surgery, number of abdominal organs injured, type of firearm causing injury, presence of large vessel injury and extremity injury, presence of thoracic injury requiring thoracotomy in addition to laparotomy, colostomy, penetrating abdominal trauma index, pediatric trauma score (PTS), and shock status were evaluated.
RESULTS: In our study, it was found that a high penetrating abdominal trauma index significantly increased complication rates and mortality (P<0.001 and P=0.002, respectively). In addition, it was found that lower PTSs significantly increased the development of complications and mortality (P=0.001 and P<0.001, respectively). Mortality was not observed in any of the patients with a PTS>8, whereas mortality was observed in 27.3% of patients with a PTS≤8, and this result was statistically significant (P=0.003). Shock sig-nificantly increased mortality, and no patient who was not in shock died (P<0.001). In our study, it was determined that the increase in the number of injured intra-abdominal organs had a significant effect on both complications and mortality (P<0.001 and P=0.002, respectively).
CONCLUSION: The penetrating abdominal trauma index and PTS were found to be effective in predicting mortality and morbidity in pediatric patients with PAFI. It is crucial in this patient group to provide appropriate transport after the first intervention is done rapidly and effectively in conflict zones.

16. Comparison of sinus tarsi approach versus extensile lateral approach in the management of displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures: A single-center study
Mehmet Ersin, Mehmet Demirel, Mehmet Ekinci, İbrahim Sungur, Murat Yilmaz
PMID: 37681728  PMCID: PMC10560813  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2023.13642  Pages 1061 - 1067
BACKGROUND: Controversy still exists for optimal treatment for displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures (DIACFs). Conven-tionally, the extensile lateral approach (ELA) has been the most preferred approach. Although ELA provides excellent fracture access and direct evaluation of the depressed posterior facet, this approach has a high rate of serious complications, such as hematoma, superficial/deep infection, and wound healing issues. To overcome such complications, more minimally invasive techniques including external fixation, percutaneous fixation, arthroscopic assisted fixation, and sinus tarsi approach (STA) have been recently described. The primary aim of this study was to compare STA and LEA in the treatment of DIACFs.
METHODS: Patients who were operated for DIACFs in our clinic were included in the study. Patients with closed DIACFs of Sanders Type II, III, IV, and over 18 years of age were identified. Physical examinations and radiological evaluations of the patients were per-formed, and clinical scores were filled. Patients were divided into subgroups according to the Sander’s classification and comparisons were made again according to these subgroups.
RESULTS: There were 37 patients (four female and 33 male) in STA group and 44 patients in LEA group (six female and 38 male). The mean age was 44.42±13.57 years (range, 18–61) for STA group and 37.32±11.09 years (range, 18–56) for the LEA group. In clinical outcomes, except for short-form survey (SF-12)/MCS-12 (Mental Score) and visual analog scale score, all the parameters were signifi-cantly better in STA group compared to LEA group. No significant difference was observed between the two groups in radiographic results, except for the Böhler angle. Significantly less infection occurred in the STA group compared to LEA group (P=0.021). According to Sander’s classification, American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society, foot and ankle disability index, and SF-12/PCS-12 and foot function index scores, no significant differences were determined between STA and LEA groups for Sanders Type 2, whereas the values were considerably higher in STA group than in LEA group for Sanders Type 3 and 4.
CONCLUSION: In DIACFs, STA is considered a safe and effective method for restoring the width, height, and length of the calca-neus and reconstruction of joint alignment and has now become our standard technique for all calcaneal fractures requiring operative treatment.