p-ISSN: 1306-696x | e-ISSN: 1307-7945
Volume : 30 Issue : 3 Year : 2025

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Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery - Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg: 30 (3)
Volume: 30  Issue: 3 - 2024
1. Front Matters

Pages I - VII

2. The effects of topical aloe vera on an experimentally designed penile fracture model in rats
Reha Girgin, Gökhan Çeker, Inci Turan, Filiz Kutu, Yusuf Elma, Emine Yılmaz Can
PMID: 38506382  PMCID: PMC10977493  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2024.26425  Pages 147 - 154

3. Emergent approach to small bowel tumors: diagnosis and treatment
Enes Sahin, Kazım Şahin, Haşim Köken, Sertaç Ata Güler, Turgay Şimşek, Nihat Zafer Utkan, Mustafa Şahin
PMID: 38506384  PMCID: PMC10977489  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2024.33680  Pages 155 - 159

4. Investigation of fatal traumatic head injuries
Kerem Sehlikoğlu, Abdurrahim Türkoğlu, Turgay Bork, Muhammet Batbaş
PMID: 38506383  PMCID: PMC10977496  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2024.32463  Pages 160 - 166

5. Anesthetic approach to trauma patients in the city hospital after the 2023 Maraş earthquake
Aylin Kılınçarslan, Ceyda Özhan Caparlar, Müge Çakırca, Fatma Özkan Sipahioğlu, Funda Atar, Selma Ölmez, Nur Yılmaz, Merve Karaşahin, Derya Özkan
PMID: 38506390  PMCID: PMC10977499  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2024.92346  Pages 167 - 173

6. Mortality Factors in Crush Syndrome
Engin Onan, Dilek Torun, Rüya Kozanoğlu, Hasan Miçözkadıoğlu, Salih Beyaz, Levent Özgözen, Necmettin Turgut, Yusuf Ziya Demiroğlu, Özlem Karagün, Pınar Ergenoğlu, Özlem Özkan Kuşçu, Ege Altan, Alper Tuna Güven, Alim Abdullayev, İsmail Karluka, Çiğdem Yalçın, Mustafa Mazıcan, İsa Göktürk Balcı, Burak Özkan, Gönül Parmaksız, Begüm Avcı, Aytül Noyan, Turan Çolak, Hüseyin Ali Tünel, Abdulkerim Temiz, Hasan Özkan Gezer, Cankat Erdoğan, Galib Bairamoi, Dilek Yünlüel, Soner Çivi, Emre Durdağ, Özgür Kardeş, Halil İbrahim Süner, Kadir Tufan, Serkan Erkan, Tevfik Avcı, Ramazan Gündoğdu, Murat Kuş, Alper Fındıkçıoğlu, Oya Yıldız, Eda Alışkan, Cenk Coşkunoğlu, Mehmet Haberal
PMID: 38506381  PMCID: PMC10977497  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2024.20532  Pages 174 - 184

7. Use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in severe earthquake injuries
Levent Demir, Mustafa Öztürk
PMID: 38506387  PMCID: PMC10977492  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2024.60979  Pages 185 - 191

8. Evaluation of emergency department admissions of mass casualty patients using the revised trauma score, injury severity score, and trauma and injury severity score
Bahadır Karaca, Mehmet Kemal Emem, Burak Çelik, Nurdan Yılmaz Şahin
PMID: 38506389  PMCID: PMC10977491  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2024.73531  Pages 192 - 202

9. The effect of time from injury to fasciotomy in patients with acute upper extremity compartment syndrome
Gökhan Sert, Fethiye Damla Menku Ozdemir, Oznur Uzun, Galip Gencay Üstün
PMID: 38506391  PMCID: PMC10977498  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2024.95519  Pages 203 - 209

10. Is ultrasound guidance necessary to avoid complications in the implantation of venous access ports?
Burak İlhan, İbrahim Fethi Azamat, Süleyman Bademler, Omer Avlanmis, Görkem Uzunyolcu, Basak Erginel, Fatih Yanar
PMID: 38506386  PMCID: PMC10977494  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2024.58665  Pages 210 - 215

11. Risk of burns in pressure cooker usage: a comprehensive analysis of explosive injuries
Serhat Meriç, Talar Vartanoglu Aktokmakyan, Nadir Adnan Hacım, Hasim Furkan Gullu, Merve Tokocin, Önder Önen, Mustafa Turan
PMID: 38506385  PMCID: PMC10977495  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2024.38131  Pages 216 - 220

12. Post Trauma Acinetobacter Baumanii Meningitis Treatment Approach
Cem Erdoğan, Zeynep Betul Balcioglu, Isa Seida, Denız KIZILASLAN
PMID: 38506388  PMCID: PMC10977500  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2024.65051  Pages 221 - 225

13. A rare cause of intestinal obstruction: right paraduodenal hernia
Tuba Atak
PMID: 38506380  PMCID: PMC10977490  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2023.20352  Pages 226 - 228