p-ISSN: 1306-696x | e-ISSN: 1307-7945
Volume : 25 Issue : 1 Year : 2025

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Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery - Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg: 25 (1)
Volume: 25  Issue: 1 - January 2019
1. Editorial
Recep Güloğlu, Kaya Sarıbeyoğlu, M. Mahir Özmen, Hakan Yanar
Pages IX - X

2. Effects of alpha-tocopherol on acute pancreatitis in rats
Halit Özgül, Cihad Tatar, Bahri Özer, Hüsnü Aydın, Soner Sarı, Songül Peltek Özer
PMID: 30742296  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.30413  Pages 1 - 6

3. Effect of curcumin on lung injury induced by skeletal muscle ischemia/reperfusion in rats
Hamed Ashrafzadeh Takhtfooladi, Mohammad Ashrafzadeh Takhtfooladi
PMID: 30742297  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.83616  Pages 7 - 11

4. Is it beneficial to use clinical scoring systems for acute appendicitis in adults?
Emin Köse, Mustafa Hasbahçeci, Mehmet Can Aydın, Canberk Toy, Tuba Saydam, Ayhan Özsoy, Servet Rüştü Karahan
PMID: 30742281  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.22378  Pages 12 - 19

5. First step toward a better trauma management: Initial results of the Northern Izmir Trauma Registry System for children
Mustafa Onur Öztan, Murat Anıl, Ayşe Berna Anıl, Demet Yaldız, İlhan Uz, Ali Turgut, Işıl Köse, Kerim Acar, Turhan Sofuoğlu, Gökhan Akbulut
PMID: 30742282  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.82780  Pages 20 - 28

6. Incidence, etiology, and patterns of maxillofacial traumas in Syrian patients in Hatay, Turkey: A 3 year retrospective study
Cengiz Arlı, Mustafa Özkan, Ali Karakuş
PMID: 30742283  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.16243  Pages 29 - 33

7. Do the stump knotting technique and specimen retrieval method effect morbidity in laparoscopic appendectomy?
Cihan Agalar, Serhan Derici, Ali Durubey Çevlik, Süleyman Özkan Aksoy, Tufan Egeli, Nilay Boztaş, Mücahit Özbilgin, Sülen Sarıoğlu, Tarkan Ünek
PMID: 30742284  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.90382  Pages 34 - 38

8. A 4-year single-center experience in the management of esophageal perforation
Serkan Sarı, Hasan Bektaş, Kıvılcım Ulusan, Burak Koçak, Bünyamin Gürbulak, Şükrü Çolak, Ekrem Çakar, Melis Baykara Ulusan
PMID: 30742285  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.79484  Pages 39 - 45

9. Prognostic evaluation of cases with thoracic trauma admitted to the intensive care unit: 10-year clinical outcomes
Mehtap Pehlivanlar Küçük, Ahmet Oğuzhan Küçük, İskender Aksoy, Davut Aydın, Fatma Ülger
PMID: 30742286  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.97345  Pages 46 - 54

10. Relationship between the albumin level and the anesthesia method and the effect on clinical course in patients with major burns
Müge Çakırca, İsa Sözen, Gülsüm Tozlu Bindal, Mustafa Baydar, Ahmet Çınar Yastı
PMID: 30742287  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.71278  Pages 55 - 59

11. Complicated or not complicated: Stoma site marking before emergency abdominal surgery
Ali Fuat Kaan Gök, Ilker Özgür, Meral Altunsoy, Muhammed Zübeyr Üçüncü, Adem Bayraktar, Mehmet Türker Bulut, Metin Keskin
PMID: 30742288  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2019.48482  Pages 60 - 65

12. Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of the cell saver system in instrumented posterior fusion with thoracic and lumbar vertebral fractures
Serdar Hakan Başaran, Alkan Bayrak, Emrah Sayit, Halil Nadir Öneş, Kadir Gözügöl, Cemal Kural
PMID: 30742289  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.77823  Pages 66 - 70

13. Admission neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and postoperative mortality in elderly patients with hip fracture
Aytun Temiz, Salim Ersözlü
PMID: 30742290  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.94572  Pages 71 - 74

14. The ANK nail treatment of lateral malleolar fractures with syndesmosis injury: Clinical outcomes at 10 years of follow-up
Sinan Kahraman, Hasan Ceylan, Mesut Sönmez, Ayhan Nedim Kara
PMID: 30742291  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.91679  Pages 75 - 79

15. Management of enteroatmospheric fistula thanks to new isolation technique
Seracettin Eğin, Berk Gökçek, Metin Yeşiltaş, Fazıl Sağlam, Burak Güney
PMID: 30742292  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.45267  Pages 80 - 82

16. Gastrointestinal stromal tumor leading to acute abdomen and hypovolemic shock in a trauma patient
Aylin Hande Gökçe
PMID: 30742293  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.35005  Pages 83 - 85

17. Airbag cover impact: a rarely seen reason for mandibular defects
Ersin Akşam, Erhan Sönmez, Önder Karaaslan, Mustafa Durgun
PMID: 30742294  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.50494  Pages 86 - 88

18. Improvement of a duodenal leak: Two-way vacuum-assisted closure
Seracettin Eğin, Berk Gökçek, Metin Yeşiltaş, Semih Hot, Dursun Özgür Karakaş
PMID: 30742295  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.22934  Pages 89 - 92