p-ISSN: 1306-696x | e-ISSN: 1307-7945
Volume : 18 Issue : 1 Year : 2025

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Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery - Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg: 18 (1)
Volume: 18  Issue: 1 - January 2012
1. Is neopterin a diagnostic marker of acute appendicitis?
Kagan Coskun, Oner Mentes, Aysegul Atak, Arzu Aral, Mehmet Eryılmaz, Onder Onguru, Mujdat Balkan, Orhan Kozak, Sadettin Cetiner
PMID: 22290042  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2012.00087  Pages 1 - 4

2. Effect of epidural anesthesia on anastomotic leakage in colonic surgery: experimental study
Tayfun Adanır, Murat Aksun, Gülşah Yılmaz Karaören, Türker Karabuğa, Okay Nazlı, Atilla Şencan, Mehmet Köseoğlu
PMID: 22290043  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2012.67044  Pages 5 - 10

3. Effects of repetitive injections of hyaluronic acid on peritendinous adhesions after flexor tendon repair: a preliminary randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial
Güzin Yeşim Özgenel, Abdullah Etöz
PMID: 22290044  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2012.95530  Pages 11 - 17

4. The impact of visits on vital signs of the patients in surgical intensive care unit: a pilot study
Ükke Karabacak, Leman Şenturan, Sebahat Özdilek, Aygün Şimşek, Yeliz Karateke, Fatma Eti Aslan, Nebahat Yıldız, Bülent Kaya, Cemalettin Ertekin
PMID: 22290045  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2012.58908  Pages 18 - 22

5. Analysis of the necessity of routine tests in trauma patients in the emergency department
Özlem Köksal, Şebnem Eren Çevik, Şule Akköse Aydın, Fatma Özdemir
PMID: 22290046  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2012.84748  Pages 23 - 30

6. Work-related injuries in textile industry workers in Turkey
Mustafa Serinken, İbrahim Turkcuer, Bekir Dağlı, Özgür Karcıoglu, Mehmet Zencir, Emrah Uyanık
PMID: 22290047  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2012.54376  Pages 31 - 36

7. Diagnostic peritoneal lavage in hemodynamically stable patients with lower chest or anterior abdominal stab wounds
Shahriar Hashemzadeh, Kamran Mameghani, Rohollah F Fouladi, Elnaz Ansari
PMID: 22290048  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2012.89137  Pages 37 - 42

8. Factors affecting the number of debridements in Fournier’s gangrene: our results in 36 cases
Cemal Göktaş, Mehmet Yıldırım, Rahim Horuz, Gökhan Faydacı, Oktay Akça, Cihangir Ali Çetinel
PMID: 22290049  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2012.36599  Pages 43 - 48

9. An alternative classification of occupational hand injuries based on etiologic mechanisms: the ECOHI classification
Bulent Ozcelik, Erden Ertürer, Berkan Mersa, Hüsrev Purisa, İlker Sezer, Serdar Tunçer, Fatih Kabakaş, Samet Vasfi Kuvat
PMID: 22290050  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2012.45656  Pages 49 - 54

10. Upper extremity injuries due to threshing machine
Dağhan Işık, M. Fethi Ceylan, Hakan Tekin, Sevdegül Karadaş, Savaş Güner, Yasin Canbaz
PMID: 22290051  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2012.01212  Pages 55 - 60

11. Falling television related child injuries in Turkey: 10-year experience
Recep Güloğlu, İnanç Şamil Sarıcı, Süleyman Bademler, Selman Emirikçi, Halim İşsever, Hakan Yanar, Cemalettin Ertekin
PMID: 22290052  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2012.54775  Pages 61 - 64

12. Comparative results of percutaneous cannulated screws, dynamic compression type plate and screw for the treatment of femoral neck fractures
Tolga Kaplan, Burak Akesen, Burak Demirağ, Sadık Bilgen, Kemal Durak
PMID: 22290053  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2012.33427  Pages 65 - 70

13. Immediate appendectomy for appendiceal mass
Bülent Kaya, Barış Sana, Cengiz Eriş, Rıza Kutaniş
PMID: 22290054  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2012.07448  Pages 71 - 74

14. Foreign body traumas of the eye managed in an emergency department of a single-institution
Özlem Yiğit, Aslıhan Yürüktümen, Savaş Arslan
PMID: 22290055  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2012.49354  Pages 75 - 79

15. Double-level spinal cord injury without vertebral fracture or dislocation: A case report
Mehmet Atılgan
PMID: 22290056  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2012.00908  Pages 80 - 82

16. Repair of an extensive iatrogenic tracheal rupture with a pleural patch and a vascular graft
Erdal Birol Bostancı, İlter Özer, Feza Ekiz, Ali Emre Atıcı, Enver Reyhan, Musa Akoğlu, Atakan Erkılınç, Cevat Yakut
PMID: 22290057  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2012.97820  Pages 83 - 86

17. Traditional Kehr’s sign: Left shoulder pain related to splenic abscess
Secgin Soyuncu, Fırat Bektaş, Yildiray Cete
PMID: 22290058  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2012.04874  Pages 87 - 88

18. A fish bone causing ileal perforation in the terminal ileum
Ayhan Mutlu, Ender Uysal, Levent Ulusoy, Cihan Duran, Derya Selamoğlu
PMID: 22290059  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2012.90912  Pages 89 - 91

19. Late-diagnosed bilateral intertrochanteric femur fracture during an epileptic seizure
Cem Çopuroğlu, Mert Özcan, Hakan Dülger, Erol Yalnız
PMID: 22290060  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2012.76402  Pages 92 - 94

20. Evaluation of an acute mechanic intestinal obstruction case secondary to diaphragma rupture due to a blunt trauma
Selim Sözen, Feridun Aysu, Hasan Elkan, Atilla Çakmak, Fahrettin Yıldız
PMID: 22290061  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2012.79663  Pages 95 - 98