p-ISSN: 1306-696x | e-ISSN: 1307-7945
Volume : 22 Issue : 6 Year : 2025

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Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery - Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg: 22 (6)
Volume: 22  Issue: 6 - November 2016
1. Effects of alpha lipoic acid on ischemia-reperfusion injury in rat hindlimb ischemia model
Arif Aydın, Alpagan Mustafa Yıldırım
PMID: 28074465  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.00258  Pages 509 - 515

2. Effect of medical treatment on histological findings in rabbits with acute appendicitis
Gürcan Şimşek, Barış Sevinç, Yaşar Ünlü, İsmail Hasırcı, Hüseyin Kurku, Ömer Karahan
PMID: 28074455  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.79825  Pages 516 - 520

3. Therapeutic efficacy of tadalafil and eriythropoietin in experimental spinal cord injury
Çağrı Kökoğlu, Emre Delen, Ali Arslantaş, Didem Arslantaş, Burcu Kökoğlu, Zühtü Özbek, Sema Uslu, Ahmet Tolgay Akıncı
PMID: 28074456  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.37571  Pages 521 - 525

4. The acute effects of thymoquinone on acute peripheral nerve injury: an experimental study
İsmail Gülşen, Hakan Ak, Mikail Kara, Abdulsemat Gökalp, Veysel Akyol, Ömer Faruk Koçak, Murat Çetin Rağbetli
PMID: 28074457  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.40204  Pages 526 - 530

5. Endovascular treatment of peripheral and visceral arterial injuries in patients with acute trauma
Aysun Erbahçeci Salık, Filiz İslim, Barbaros Erhan Çil
PMID: 28074458  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.92645  Pages 531 - 535

6. Comparison of Revised Trauma Score, Injury Severity Score and Trauma and Injury Severity Score for mortality prediction in elderly trauma patients
Shahrokh Yousefzadeh-chabok, Marieh Hosseinpour, Leila Kouchakinejad-eramsadati, Fatemeh Ranjbar, Reza Malekpouri, Alireza Razzaghi, Zahra Mohtasham-amiri
PMID: 28074459  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.93288  Pages 536 - 540

7. Gender does not affect the prognosis of Fournier’s gangrene: a case-matched study
Pınar Sarkut, Özgen Işık, Ersin Öztürk, Barış Gülcü, Ilker Ercan, Tuncay Yılmazlar
PMID: 28074460  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.27095  Pages 541 - 544

8. Acute appendicitis during pregnancy: case series of 20 pregnant women
İlker Murat Arer, Songül Alemdaroğlu, Hasan Yeşilağaç, Hakan Yabanoğlu
PMID: 28074461  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.58458  Pages 545 - 548

9. Contribution of MRI to clinically equivocal penile fracture cases
Rüştü Türkay, Mustafa Gürkan Yenice, Sema Aksoy, Gökhan Şeker, Selçuk Şahin, Ercan İnci, Volkan Tuğcu, Ali İhsan Taşcı
PMID: 28074462  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.50955  Pages 549 - 552

10. Importance of fixation of posterior malleolus fracture in trimalleolar fractures: A retrospective study
Sinan Karaca, Meriç Enercan, Guzelali Ozdemir, Sinan Kahraman, Mutlu Çobanoğlu, Metin Küçükkaya
PMID: 28074463  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.44844  Pages 553 - 558

11. Investigation of hand function among children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder with upper extremity trauma history
Meral Huri, Sedef Şahin, Hülya Kayıhan
PMID: 28074464  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.58712  Pages 559 - 565

12. ERCP with stenting of traumatic pancreatic duct transection: A case report
Deepa Prashant Makhija, Jayesh Desale, Charu Tiwari, Hemanshi Shah
PMID: 28074451  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.09334  Pages 566 - 568

13. Hemoptysis caused by pulmonary sequestration in perforated appendicitis: A rare case report
Dario Tartaglia, Francesca Cascione, Matteo Modesti, Desiree Gianardi, Rosilde Caputo, Christian Galatioto, Massimo Chiarugi
PMID: 28074452  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.99542  Pages 569 - 571

14. Laparoscopic resection and intracorporeal anastomosis of perforated small bowel caused by fish bone ingestion
Ahmet Cem Dural, Muhammet Ferhat Çelik, Hakan Yiğitbaş, Cevher Akarsu, Mahmut Doğan, Halil Alış
PMID: 28074453  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.88137  Pages 572 - 574

15. Obturator hernia should be considered in the differential diagnosis of hip and knee pain
Ahmet Korkut Belli, Gündüz Memiş, Özcan Dere, Ulaş Koşan, Okay Nazlı
PMID: 28074454  doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.91582  Pages 575 - 577