1. | Effects of alpha lipoic acid on ischemia-reperfusion injury in rat hindlimb ischemia model Arif Aydın, Alpagan Mustafa Yıldırım PMID: 28074465 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.00258 Pages 509 - 515
2. | Effect of medical treatment on histological findings in rabbits with acute appendicitis Gürcan Şimşek, Barış Sevinç, Yaşar Ünlü, İsmail Hasırcı, Hüseyin Kurku, Ömer Karahan PMID: 28074455 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.79825 Pages 516 - 520
3. | Therapeutic efficacy of tadalafil and eriythropoietin in experimental spinal cord injury Çağrı Kökoğlu, Emre Delen, Ali Arslantaş, Didem Arslantaş, Burcu Kökoğlu, Zühtü Özbek, Sema Uslu, Ahmet Tolgay Akıncı PMID: 28074456 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.37571 Pages 521 - 525
4. | The acute effects of thymoquinone on acute peripheral nerve injury: an experimental study İsmail Gülşen, Hakan Ak, Mikail Kara, Abdulsemat Gökalp, Veysel Akyol, Ömer Faruk Koçak, Murat Çetin Rağbetli PMID: 28074457 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.40204 Pages 526 - 530
5. | Endovascular treatment of peripheral and visceral arterial injuries in patients with acute trauma Aysun Erbahçeci Salık, Filiz İslim, Barbaros Erhan Çil PMID: 28074458 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.92645 Pages 531 - 535
6. | Comparison of Revised Trauma Score, Injury Severity Score and Trauma and Injury Severity Score for mortality prediction in elderly trauma patients Shahrokh Yousefzadeh-chabok, Marieh Hosseinpour, Leila Kouchakinejad-eramsadati, Fatemeh Ranjbar, Reza Malekpouri, Alireza Razzaghi, Zahra Mohtasham-amiri PMID: 28074459 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.93288 Pages 536 - 540
7. | Gender does not affect the prognosis of Fournier’s gangrene: a case-matched study Pınar Sarkut, Özgen Işık, Ersin Öztürk, Barış Gülcü, Ilker Ercan, Tuncay Yılmazlar PMID: 28074460 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.27095 Pages 541 - 544
8. | Acute appendicitis during pregnancy: case series of 20 pregnant women İlker Murat Arer, Songül Alemdaroğlu, Hasan Yeşilağaç, Hakan Yabanoğlu PMID: 28074461 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.58458 Pages 545 - 548
9. | Contribution of MRI to clinically equivocal penile fracture cases Rüştü Türkay, Mustafa Gürkan Yenice, Sema Aksoy, Gökhan Şeker, Selçuk Şahin, Ercan İnci, Volkan Tuğcu, Ali İhsan Taşcı PMID: 28074462 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.50955 Pages 549 - 552
10. | Importance of fixation of posterior malleolus fracture in trimalleolar fractures: A retrospective study Sinan Karaca, Meriç Enercan, Guzelali Ozdemir, Sinan Kahraman, Mutlu Çobanoğlu, Metin Küçükkaya PMID: 28074463 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.44844 Pages 553 - 558
11. | Investigation of hand function among children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder with upper extremity trauma history Meral Huri, Sedef Şahin, Hülya Kayıhan PMID: 28074464 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.58712 Pages 559 - 565
12. | ERCP with stenting of traumatic pancreatic duct transection: A case report Deepa Prashant Makhija, Jayesh Desale, Charu Tiwari, Hemanshi Shah PMID: 28074451 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.09334 Pages 566 - 568
13. | Hemoptysis caused by pulmonary sequestration in perforated appendicitis: A rare case report Dario Tartaglia, Francesca Cascione, Matteo Modesti, Desiree Gianardi, Rosilde Caputo, Christian Galatioto, Massimo Chiarugi PMID: 28074452 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.99542 Pages 569 - 571
14. | Laparoscopic resection and intracorporeal anastomosis of perforated small bowel caused by fish bone ingestion Ahmet Cem Dural, Muhammet Ferhat Çelik, Hakan Yiğitbaş, Cevher Akarsu, Mahmut Doğan, Halil Alış PMID: 28074453 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.88137 Pages 572 - 574
15. | Obturator hernia should be considered in the differential diagnosis of hip and knee pain Ahmet Korkut Belli, Gündüz Memiş, Özcan Dere, Ulaş Koşan, Okay Nazlı PMID: 28074454 doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2016.91582 Pages 575 - 577